
Would you like to return your order or part of it? No problem. You have a return period of 30 days.

Within Germany, you can use our returns portal to create a free returns label for orders over 39 €.

We charge a fee of 5.90 € for returns outside Germany.The fee will then be deducted from your refund amount.If you're okay with this, you can create a return label using the link below.


Your order value is less than 39 €? Then we ask you to send your return at your own expense to the following address:

Ecom Brands GmbH
c/o Ohl Logistik GmbH & Co. KG
Hittfelder Kirchweg 1-5
21220 Seevetal

Please note that even if the return shipment has been delivered according to the tracking information, the return still needs to be processed. Processing can take up to 14 days

Questions about your return

When and how do I get my money back?
The refund will be made using the payment method originally used. The processing of the return can take up to 14 days. Depending on the payment method, the amount will be refunded immediately or after a short time.

My item is broken. What should I do?
If your delivered product has a defect, a return is not necessarily necessary. Please contact our customer service via the contact form or by email to

Questions about your return

The refund will be made using the original payment method used. Processing the return can take up to 14 days. Depending on the payment method, the amount will then be refunded immediately or after a short time.

If your delivered product is defective, a return is not necessarily necessary. Please contact our customer service via the contact form or by email to

You can have a return label created via our returns portal. We charge a processing fee of 5.90 € for returns. This amount will be automatically deducted from your refund amount.